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{{Infobox Dutchy
{{Infobox City

| common_name  = Minkbrantha
| common_name  = Minkbrantha

Revision as of 18:56, 25 October 2017

Realm: Arangoth
Population: 39,000
Predominate Races: Humans,
Elves, and
Currency: Bank Crown
Government: Feudal Monarchy
Head of State: Asnerith Dreth
Religion: Various/Naturalism

The Land of Stone, Wood and Iron

Minkbrantha abuts Elvendeep and Zul Kiras, serving as the North Western border of the confederacy. It is an unsettled and wild land, rich with resources, cold water streams and old growth forest. The major exports of Minkbrantha are raw materials; lumber, minerals, metals, beer and furs. With the exception of beer, they only occasionally export edible goods and seem far more interested in storing it for their own use.


Asnerith Dreth is Sithire in Minkbrantha. He serves as absolute monarch in what is otherwise a feudal system.

Class System

Warrior Nobles - Born to nobility, land owning men and women who are administer territory, raise militias and are hereditary title holders. These men and women are Floxod's or Knights.

Warrior Class - Soldiers are considered elevated citizens, venerated and treated with great respect. Those who achieve officer ranks or great honor in combat, as well as those killed in combat under valiant conditions are awarded land. Those that show cowardice or misbehavior in the face of the enemy however are stripped of title, holdings and their line is relegate to serfdom.

Merchants/Artisans - Freemen who may move about, however must request a visa to leave Minkbrantha.

Serfs - Those who live under social contract as laborers. In exchange for their efforts they are fed, allowed to build or rent a home and own personal property. They may however become a different class either by military service or displaying great skill in a trade.


Equal Rights for Women - Women are considered to be men's equal and afforded all the same opportunities as men, including military service, owning land, divorce and proper treatment under the law. This also, doubly increases Minkbrantha's available troop pool, though only in Castle Dreth and Caeth are women forced to serve in the reserves.

Selective Breeding (Castle Dreth/Caeth) - The people of Castle Dreth and Caeth practice socially enforced Selective Breeding. The Warrior Class is only allowed to marry into itself and those that display great prowess in combat or strategy routinely select a partner of equal capability. Anyone who violates this social norm is quickly ostracized. This behavior has promoted larger, more physically and mentally fit people for coupling, and over generations resulted in notable differences on average of the people of Castle Dreth and Caeth when compared to other regions of Arangoth. The gene pool remains fresh, however, thanks to those elevated by the Trials. Though not talked about there is a notable lack of handicapped or misformed personages. This could imply particularly good breeding, or infanticide.

The Trials of the Sword (Castle Dreth/Caeth) - All children born to parents from Caeth or Castle Dreth must report to the Trials on October 15th of their eighth year. For one year they are subjected to rigorous and often times extreme training and evaluation. Those that pass are selected to be Knights or On-Duty soldiers in The Bloody Fifth, those that are not are relegated to the reserves. This practice is not imposed on the rest of Minkbrantha, though parents may send volunteers. There is a nominal death rate.

Tough women and rough men - The larger, stronger built personages of the Caeth and Castle Dreth region aside, the people of Minkbrantha are a hearty lot. Surviving in a colder, higher elevation, with unsettled lands and mountainous regions has brought forth a people that are self-sufficient, industrious, and tenacious. They value hard work, good beer, roaring fires and excellent music. Sometimes considered roughians, or even backwards by their more civilized neighbors, the Minkbranthians take no offense, because they don't care what those men with pot bellies and women without shoulder definition have to say about them anyway.

The Hunt - From November fifth through November twenty-fifth all personages of Minkbrantha, regardless of class, are encouraged and afforded time to hunt down and kill at least one game animal or monster. The person or group with the greatest kill is awarded a 500 gold purse. The rest of the meat is used for harvest festivities. This activity is new, and encouraged to increase participation in woodsmanship, monster-hunting and collective survival.


  • Caern (Administrative Capital)
  • Castle Dreth and Caeth (Military Stronghold)
  • Rathaa (Trade Center)
  • Several small mining, lumber cutting, farming, trade and military outposts

Knightly Orders

The Law

Minkbrantha is feudal and ruled by martial law. Any officer of the Bloody Fifth, or of a bannerman to house Dreth, may impose the will of the Lord to which they are subordinate. The family Dreth and the Officers of the Fifth, however, are the highest authority. All personages of Minkbrantha and anyone within the territory are subject to the rule and whim of the Crown. Foreign Nobles will, of course, be granted courtesy.

For the benefit of visitors a list of offenses that result in death or worse are listed here:

  • Treason - Drawn & Quartered, no Burial Authorized, Corpse Displayed
  • Rape - Flayed and Burned Alive
  • Murder - Mercifully Beheaded
  • Carnal Knowledge - Death by Crucifixion
  • Murder of a Wild Wolf - Death by Animal Consumption
  • Duels are encouraged and unpunished.

Trial by combat is always an option, except in the cases of Rape and Carnal Knowledge.


The North Line - A series of small, defensible fortresses being installed along the border with Zul Kiras.