Yes, by all means. Players are encouraged to contribute to the setting. Talk to a moderator about what you’d like to contribute. A new race? A location? Or a new idea for the moderators to utilize in the game? We’d …

#BlkDragon*Inn was founded by AngelSin and BLKDRAGON on EFnet in March of 1995. The exact date is debated at this point, but the original email invitation was sent out at that time, encouraging friends to join them on IRC to …

#BlkDragon*Inn is a text or chat based, semi-free form, medieval fantasy roleplaying game that’s hosted on Discord. We don’t use any particular game system rules regarding character creation, or a dice system for combat. What rules we do utilize are …

Players have a month after they join to submit and have a character sheet approved. They receive the Lurker role after completing server entry steps and can read what past RP in the channels. Once players have a character sheet, …

Yes. As of December 2019, #BlkDragon*Inn now requires Character Sheets. The switch to Discord has meant a few changes to how things are done in BDI, and one of them is that new players often expect a sheet and character …