In Character (4)
When do you guys actually play?
The majority of our players are North American, and our periods of activity tend to skew towards those time zones with respect to working hours. Due to time constraints, families, and busy schedules, many of our players participate on the server via Play-By-Post and swap to Active Scenes as possible.
Participants in a PBP session post as time allows. There may be one post a day by one partner, or several. It is courtesy to tag the other roleplayer(s) at the end of the post with a @ ping to notify them of completion. PBP may take days to complete, and the end of a scene is marked to identify it is concluded.
Can I be a Civic Guard?
Yes, you can. Generally, we ask that members of the Civic Guard consistently play in the channel for a month before they’re inducted into the guard, so that the moderators get a feeling for your character or play style.
Members of the Civic Guard are privy to special information regarding crimes and odd occurrences that happen in both Drache and Arangoth. You can read more about the Civic Guard‘s duties and privileges on the wiki.
Civic Guards can be submitted according to our Character Sheet process on Discord. Players with approved Civic Guard character(s) have access to special channels on Discord where they can post reports and discuss ic matters.
Why are there bounties on undead and demons?
Generally speaking, both the undead and demons typically feed and prey on living beings in some manner or another. As such, they are both a danger to the citizens of Drache and Arangoth, and retain no civil rights as recognized by officials of the Crown. The Royal Guard are not obligated to step in and intervene during confrontations with undead or demonic beings by citizens or adventurers.
This does not mean that either of these types of characters are forbidden to play. Just that by the in character laws, they are treated hostilely as threats against normal life. If you choose to play a demon or an undead, it’s recommended that you do so with the utmost care and discretion.
These characters are considered to be advanced, and new players must be active in the game for a period of three months before the staff will consider submissions to play one.
Why are guns not allowed?
The general consensus of the channel a few years ago was that guns break the atmosphere that were are intentionally trying to cultivate in #BlkDragon*Inn. The operator team, at this time, do not feel that guns fit with the ‘high fantasy’ feel that the channel was established with in mind. The decision to not allow guns is intentional, despite the proliferation of black powder as an alchemy reagent at this time.
Staff (4)
Who are the moderators?
As of February 2022, the current moderator team is Nemmiecakes and Shayde. Grey Day Mourning is training to be full member of staff.
Can I be a moderator?
We prefer to groom our moderators from veteran players, players that have been around for a while and are intending to stick around. Please look for any announcements regarding operator recruitment if you’re interested in becoming a moderator.
What are “setting nerds”?
The setting nerds are veteran players with a deep understanding of the setting, both current and past. Their knowledge of the setting is unparalleled and they are trusted by the moderators to provide accurate information to players. Setting nerds are marked with their role in Discord and have blue nicks. Players can ping a Setting Nerd in the appropriate Discord channel to have questions and the setting and lore answered.
Who are the current setting nerds?
As of July 2021, the current setting nerds are Shayde and Uzzo.
Wiki (1)
Can I have wiki access?
Yes! Players with approved characters can gain wiki access after they’ve been consistently active for at least a month. They need to submit an email address to a moderator in order to have an account activated. Please review our policy on appropriate wiki use.
General Questions (5)
What is #BlkDragon*Inn?
#BlkDragon*Inn is a text or chat based, semi-free form, medieval fantasy roleplaying game that’s hosted on Discord. We don’t use any particular game system rules regarding character creation, or a dice system for combat. What rules we do utilize are meant to ensure preservation of the setting and fluid, enjoyable play for all players in the channel.
Is there character approval?
Yes. As of December 2019, #BlkDragon*Inn now requires Character Sheets. The switch to Discord has meant a few changes to how things are done in BDI, and one of them is that new players often expect a sheet and character approval. The moderator team’s primary focus during character approval is on magic use and whether or not it’s consistent with a character’s background. The character sheet template is simple, and moderators are available to help players as much as necessary.
How old is #BlkDragon*Inn?
#BlkDragon*Inn was founded by AngelSin and BLKDRAGON on EFnet in March of 1995. The exact date is debated at this point, but the original email invitation was sent out at that time, encouraging friends to join them on IRC to chat roleplay. Since then, BDI has undergone a number of changes in management and location, but still retains many of the same principles that brought the original players together. In the twenty years since its founding, the setting has been added to from dozens of sources, including players and old channels that have since closed.
Can I idle in the IC and OOC channels?
Players have a month after they join to submit and have a character sheet approved. They receive the Lurker role after completing server entry steps and can read what past RP in the channels. Once players have a character sheet, we do activity checks if a player has been inactive for three months.
Can I contribute to the setting?
Yes, by all means. Players are encouraged to contribute to the setting.
Talk to a moderator about what you’d like to contribute. A new race? A location? Or a new idea for the moderators to utilize in the game? We’d like to hear about it. Feel free to contact us through one of the forms on our website. If you’d rather converse in real time, you can also open a help channel on the Discord by following these directions.
Help Channels Members can open private help channels using YAGPDB’s ticket feature.
To open a help channel:
- Use -ticket open Help [Username]
- The bot will post a message with a channel only you, the mods, and anyone else added after the channel’s creation can see and join
- After joining the channel opened for you, describe the issue(s) or ask the questions you are having. Include any relevant information.
- Moderators will respond when they can. Please be patient.
A moderator will get back to you when they’re available.