This is the basic character sheet for BDI. You are required to fill out a sheet for each character that you wish to play. Please include information for all fields, unless otherwise noted to be left blank.
Sheets should be submitted on the Discord server in #character-submissions as a Google Doc. If you are submitting a Civic Guard, Aerial Defense Corps, Port Authority, city Magistrate, or other sort of law enforcement governmental official, please declare at the time of submission in #character-submissions that you have read the Laws of Transdariania and the Criminal Code of Transdariania pages in their entirety.
A copy of the blank sheet can be found on Google Docs.
After a character is approved, and you are granted wiki access, you will be allowed to flesh out sections like backstory, personality or description of the character sheet. Additions or acquisition of skills should be reviewed by the staff before being added to the sheet after the initial approval process.
These sheets have been completed and formatted for use on our wiki.
- Azalia Stygian:
- Isabelle Auxerre:
- Rix: