Arangothian Calendar
The year AD 2000 is equivalent to the Arangothian year 470. Years are dated traditionally from the founding of the city of Tagrana on the shores of Song Deep, which was the capital of the Kingdom of Arangoth until the Civil War of the year 415. The Arangothian system of numbering years was adopted by several neighboring states at a Council on Dating held on the Isles of Myst during the reign of King Ware "Sith" of Arangoth. In fact, the council had been arranged to discuss a different kind of dating altogether: namely, how to coordinate blind dates between the youths of different royal and noble families in the region. The delegates considered this a rather thorny issue and were eager for some easy way out. The Arangothian delegate suggested that they interpret the topic of "dating" as instead meaning calendar reform, and in their gratitude the other members of the conference agreed to adopt the Arangothian year. The states involved included Rondis, Aslar, and Elvendeep, all of which observe the same year as Arangoth.
In writing, one would express the date March 25, 465 (the day that AngelSin claimed the throne of Arangoth) as, "The twenty-fifth day of Ploughing Month in the four hundred and sixty-fifth year from the founding of Tagrana." The more common shorthand form of this date would written "25. III. 465."
In English | In Arangothek | Translation |
January | Bundatkerinat | Threshing Month |
February | Ankerinat | Wood Month |
March | Morkerinat | Ploughing Month |
April | Konkokerinat | Shepherds' Month |
May | Kerinatuaperal | Month of Flowers |
June | Kakruaperalkerinat | Pasture Month |
July | Sletuaperalkerinat | Hay-Harvest Month |
August | Kerinatuanimpeserp | Month of Fruit |
September | Kepekerinat | Grain Month |
October | Tertuakerinat | Sowing Month |
November | Kerinatuarastro | Month of Winds |
December | Kerinatuasangrovath | Month of Slaughtering |
Days of the Week
In English | In Arangothek |
Sunday | Broxhest |
Monday | Flunhest |
Tuesday | Tirhest |
Wednesday | Pentahest |
Thursday | Torhest |
Friday | Menxhest |
Saturday | Lorhest |
- Mar. 17 - BEDEK KAKEBDAT. (FIRST PLANTING)[1][2]. Rural holiday, when seeds are ritually sown to symbolize the beginning of the new agricultural season. Approximates the vernal equinox. The day has also come to be associated with healing. The ritual planting consists of the farmer invoking Menxvan's blessing on the seed, that it might grow. The item buried need not be an actual seed; also, gourd seeds are often used by those who do not ordinarily grow gourds. In urban settings, where "planting" is not meaningful, people often buy inexpensive trinkets called KAKEBDATGIL, which they bury or cast into the sea, lake, etc., asking that Menxvan return the cast-off item in prosperity for the year to come. This is also considered an auspicious day for conceiving a child, and rural weddings are frequently timed to coincide with the holiday. A kakebdatgi is generally a small, fired earthen ball either painted red or covered with thin copper or silver foil. [Note: one might also buy and bury a kakebdatgi to make a wish of some sort on other days of the year.]
- Mar. 23 - Day of Renewal.[1] This is a day upon which wrongs of the past year are forgiven and forgotten. An insult or blow is considered very inappropriate on this day; it is also considered improper to deny forgiveness to anyone who requests it on the Day of Renewal. It is also considered appropriate on this day to have a holy person perform a ritual cleansing on oneself and one's house. A ritual cleansing of a person consists of thoroughly wetting the hair or top of the head with water or oil; a ritual cleansing of a house consists of pouring water on its threshold. Menxvanic holy men generally make the rounds of their neighborhoods conducting these rituals on this day. In Arangothian, the name of the holiday is not "Day of Renewal" but LATHRATHRAT, or Purification.
- Mar. 31 to Apr. 4 - Jester's Folly.[1] - A time of inversion, jesting, and good cheer, where roles are reversed and general nonsense is permitted, something like Mardi Gras or Carnival. April 2nd is the focal point of the holiday, when the Procession of Fools takes place and the King traditionally pulls a designated Fool around in an abor (i.e., rickshaw).
- Apr. 7 - Second Planting.[1] - primarily rural holiday. Somewhat like the Sakrat holiday (see July 20th), but less exuberant.
- Jun. 17 - SENDEPENTAHEST. Mid-Year's Day[2]. Sometimes also celebrated on June 16th instead. Approximately the longest day of the year (summer solstice). Gifts are given on this day to family and friends, particularly gifts of food.
- Jul. 10. - MERCHANTS' FESTIVAL. This is the traditional date for a major mercantile fair, but to avoid competition many towns now stagger their fairs and place them on different days. The customary taxes on the sale of certain goods are lifted on this day by long-standing tradition. On one of the hottest days of the year, merchants and consumers gather in normally crowded bazaars and boulevards to buy and sell wares. The Merchant Festivals is not only highlighted by the exotic wares for across the world, but the varied entertainers that fill the air with music and laughter as those with and without browse the booths.
- Jul. 20. - SAKRAT UL MELX (Sun's Rest)[1]. Rural holiday, marking the traditional beginning of the third planting, celebrated by dancing and eating. Those city folk with kin in the country will want to be absolutely certain to visit them for the Sakrat, as it is considered the main agricultural celebration of the year. Fermented cider is drunk in large quantities, and green clothing is favored; so is unusually revealing clothing which might ordinarily be viewed as immoral. Many well-known drinking songs are technically Sakrat songs.
- Aug. 12. - The King's Fast, or the Fast of Ethcabar. This is a day of fasting, originally in commemoration of the Arangothian defeat suffered in the Nie Valley during the reign of King Ware, which took place on this day. It is now explained as an exercise in self-discipline. Persons are expected not to eat any food from sunset on August 11th until sunrise on August 13th. The sick and young are exempted from this requirement. Only plain water may be drunk during this same time. Those who do not abide by this provision are considered undisciplined, although they are not scorned.
- Aug. 13. - The Morning Feast. Essentially, this is a large meal prepared to break the "King's Fast" of the day before.
- Sept. 1. - Genthest (pronounced Gent-hest), or Bonfire Day. Fires are burned, and human effigies made of branches or sacks are thrown on the fires. This is supposed to invite malevolent beings to accept the "death" of the effigy in lieu of causing any actual persons to die during the following season. [Note: effigies are also sometimes burned whenever anyone is seriously ill, following a similar rationale.]
- Sept. 17 - THE FEAST OF EGGS[2]. On this day, it is traditional to feast upon eggs or other foodstuffs (omelettes, quiches) produced from eggs. Approximates the autumnal equinox. Eggs are also fed to the poor.
- Nov. 4 - BRAKERRAT. This is an important holiday in the lives of all young Arangothians. The November 4th following an Arangothian boy or girl's sixteenth birthday, he or she is (separately by gender) taken to a secret location and taught the "facts of life." After this rite of passage, the initiate is considered an adult and can address other adults on a first-name basis. The specific ceremonies involved are closely-guarded secrets. The evening following the Brakerrat is the Brakerrat Feast, celebrated conjointly after a day spent segregated by gender. Arangothians have a certain affinity for others who celebrated their Brakerrat in the same year (vaguely like that felt by members of, say, the high school "Class of 1998"). This celebration is considered very significant since it serves as a legal age of majority and adulthood, meaning the citizen may marry and own property, and are also subject to taxation by the Duchy.
- Dec. 17 - GENTEGIMINK[2]. Candlenight (approximates the winter solstice). The days have been getting progressively shorter, and on this night people gather inside with candles, staying awake until morning. In some parts of Arangoth, the holiday may have a solemn and somber tone to it, while in others, it may be marked by a night of revelry to celebrate the victory of light over darkness. It is still debated whether the new year should begin on Dec. 18th or Jan. 1st. From this point onwards, the length of the days increases. The holiday has recently taken on additional significance in Drache, as Iznagar and the cult of the Anathema were defeated on the eve of Candlenight in the year 475, and the black vortex over the city closed.
- Jan. 1 - New Year's Day (Hest ul Gessi Sendeth). Pickled herring and spiced plums are traditional foods associated with this day.
- Feb. 16 - SIPPAHEST (Heart Day)[1]: Vaguely similar to Valentine's Day, which is two days earlier in our own mun-calendar. The "legend of the lovers" is sung, and banquets are held in much of the kingdom. It is traditional for males to present females with garlands of flowers, and for females to present males with foodstuffs. There is a traditional honey-cake called the Sippahesterpe (Heart Day Cake) often used for this purpose.