Laws of Transdariania

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These are the governing edicts of Drache, which were held since the days of BLKDRAGON, up until the formation of the Duchy of Transdariania. It should be noted that these are not the same as the channel rules, rather these laws apply to characters residing in the part of Arangoth governed by the Sithire, not to players themselves.

Edict 0 - Support of the Duchy

1. No one shall act in a way that harms the Duchy, the Sithire, or any appointed official. Let no rule stand against this edict, nor any heart stray from its intent.

  • A. This edict supersedes Jurisdiction.
  • B. Not even the Sithire is above the reach of this edict. The Sithire risks forfeiting his or her seat and life if the actions of said Sithire endanger the welfare of the Duchy through incompetence or maliciousness, or if the Sithire fails to honor and uphold the rights and privileges granted to the Transdarianian Noble Estates.
  • C. The Seat of the Sithire is selected by the Council of Nobles according to its own rules.

Edict 1 - Jurisdiction

1. Except as noted in the previous edict the Jurisdiction of these laws shall be the Duchy and all occurrences within it and its external claims.

2. The Jurisdiction of these laws includes any lands within the borders of the Duchy, any protectorate states, and any other states in which jurisdiction is extended by treaty.

3. The Jurisdiction of any appointed judge will be limited in scope by their appointment which will include limits on range and activities.

4. Upon the commencement of any investigation of an Imminent Danger to the Duchy a notification and report must be sent to the Office of the Sithire immediately.

5. Except as explicitly noted, no judge will be given jurisdiction over occurrences outside of the borders of the Duchy, except for the actions of Duchy officials abroad, and when granted jurisdiction to try a Transdarianian citizen by the rulers of the land in which the crime took place.

Edict 2 - The Duchy

1. The Duchy consists of all territory claimed by the Sithire or their servants.

2. The Duchy may claim territory anytime, anywhere. This will be done only by orders of the Sithire. The Sithire will make reasonable attempts to notify any inhabitants of the territory but failure to notify will not be cause to rescind the claim.

Edict 4 - The Sithire

1. A Sithire appointed by the Council of Nobles shall be the governing agent of Transdariania, with all the traditional authorities of provincial governors over internal affairs.

2. The Sithire (including all agents and ministers thereof) is forbidden from seizing property, imprisoning citizens, or punishing citizens within the territory under the Sithire's administration outside of the established legal system.

3. The Council of Nobles grants the Sithire the authority to make agreements with other nations insofar as it applies to all manner of trade, both maritime and land based. The Sithire may also negotiate provisional treaties with other nations.

4. The Sithire will reside in Drache not less than four months out of the year. In addition, the Sithire will grant a personal audience to the nobility not less than once per year.

5. The Sithire will be allowed to maintain control over the Civic Guard, the Provincial Guard, and all such similar law enforcement agencies in areas Duchy's domain.

6. The provision of the Currency Decree of 469 that decrees that foreign currency will not be deemed legal tender within the borders of Transdariania does not apply within the city limits of Drache so as not to hinder commerce. All currencies currently accepted in payment of taxes, duties, tolls, fines, etc. will continue to be accepted as before, on the basis of the weight of the precious metals.

7. The reigning Sithire recognizes that he/she is held bound by this agreement as he/she is by the oath given to the Noble Estates, and the Sithire risks the forfeiture of life and seat for violating them.

8. The Sithire is in all ways subject to the laws of the Duchy, subject to audit by the Treasury or the lawfully appointed agents thereof, is in no way immune from prosecution for abuses of authority or violation of the law.

Edict 5 - The Office of the Lord Chancellor

1. The Lord Chancellor is the supreme executor of judicial authority in the provinces of Transdariania, and the administrator of the Chancellery. The Lord Chancellor is appointed by the Sithire and is to be periodically reviewed for reappointment or replacement.

2. The Chancellery is responsible for:

  • A. Hearing cases and passing sentence.
  • B. Prosecuting criminal cases for the Sithire.
  • C. Issuing warrants of arrest (commonly referred to as the Bounty List).
  • D. Hearing applications for citizenship.

3. The Lord Chancellor and his Office are given power to audit the Civic Guard, the Provincial Guard, and the Courts at the behest of the Sithire.

Edict 6 - The Magistrates

1. Shall be appointed by the Lord Chancellor by the Chancellor's criteria, which at the minimum shall require a Magistracy certificate from the Royal University or equivalent demonstration of legal aptitude.

2. Shall be empowered to hear both criminal and civil cases at any time in any court under the Chancellery's jurisdiction.

3. Are empowered to hear appeals of verdicts rendered in vorfonek (lordly) courts.

4. Appeals will be heard by the Lord Chancellor, or by a High Court consisting of not fewer than three magistrates. The Lord Chancellor's verdicts are subject to appeal before the Sithire.

5. May only render judgements against citizens in criminal and civil cases after the due process of collecting and showcasing the appropriate evidence, witnesses and testimonies during trial.

Edict 7 - The Privy Council

1. The Sithire shall appoint a Privy Council to advise him or her, and assist in the duties of governing of the Duchy. Council members serve at the Sithire's pleasure, until resignation, retirement, or dismissal.

2. The Privy Council shall include seats for the Lord Protector, Lord Admiral, Lord Treasurer, Lord Chancellor, Prelate of Honor, and Scholar Preeminent.

3. The Sithire may appoint other advisers without portfolio as he or she sees fit to the Privy Council, but they are not eligible to draw stipend from the Treasury. Said advisers shall be compensated from the Sithire's private purse, or provide their counsel without compensation.

Edict 9 - The Lord Treasurer

1. The Lord Treasurer shall be appointed by the Sithire to oversee the Treasury and Archives, and advise the Sithire in financial matters.

2. The Treasury:

  • A. Assesses, collects, and counts tax revenues.
  • B. Guards and keeps record of all revenues such taxes, duties, fines, tolls, revenue from Duchy lands, etc.
  • C. Disburses funds for all official uses.

3. The Archives:

  • A. maintains a record of citizens of the Duchy.
  • B. maintains a record of natural born citizens who have undergone the ritual of the Brakerrat and are thus considered adults by law.
  • C. Maintains a record of births, marriages, and deaths, insofar as it is possible to maintain an accurate list.
  • D. Maintains records of property ownership and property transactions.
  • E. Keeps copies of all official proclamations and other public documents on file.

Edict 11 - The Lord Protector

1. The Lord Protector is Transdariania's supreme official in charge of internal law enforcement, and highest officer in the Civic Guard and Provincial Guard's chain of command. The Lord Protector is appointed by the Sithire, and is to be periodically reviewed for reappointment or replacement.

2. The Lord Protector and his staff are legislated the following powers:

  • A. Administrative authority over the Civic Guard and Provincial Guard.
  • B. The ability to appeal the decisions of the Lord Chancellor in regards to punishment of officers of the above institutions to the Sithire.
  • C. The option of assuming direct control over any of the above institutions with the Sithire's consent.

3. The Lord Protector and his staff are legislated the following restrictions:

  • A. Any requests for funding exceeding the amount of 1000 Bank Crowns must be ratified by the Sithire.

Edict 12 - The Civic Guard

The Civic Guard is charged with enforcing the laws of the Duchy, protecting the citizenry, and maintaining the peace in all cities, towns, and villages throughout the kingdom. Fealty to the Duchy shall be unwavering. The Nobility of Transdariania in no way has any authority to command guardsmen. The members of the Civic Guard are subject only to the orders of their superior officers, the Sithire, or the appointed Lord Protector. Members of the Guard found breaking the laws rather than upholding them will be relieved of their duties and prosecuted like any other citizen.

1. The Civic Guard protects the citizens and Duchy officials.

2. The Civic Guard is responsible for enforcement of the laws.

3. Code of conduct of the Civic Guard:

  • A. The Civic Guard shall act with courtesy to everyone, supporting proper etiquette, an attitude of presentation to the land, with pride, self-control, and the acceptance of ill-mannered behavior with grace. Social customs shall be followed to the best of ability, indifferent to friends and strangers alike, including the following:
  • B. The Civic Guard will speak tactfully, with thought into his conflicts, not to begin an argument when unneeded.
  • C. The Civic Guard will behave with dignity, refraining from emotional outbursts, excessive eating and drinking, foul language in public, and other acts with might upset the reputation of the Civic Guard.
  • D. The Civic Guard must remain adequately groomed and dressed at all times. Civic Guard uniform is dictated by current in-house policy, along with formal dress regulations. The symbol of the Civic Guard will be worn at all times. A gray cloak is issued with a steel pin that denotes the rank of the Civic Guard upon it.
  • E. An exemption of the code of conduct subsets listed above will only be afforded to members of the Civic Guard undertaking undercover operations in regards to specific, officially sanctioned criminal investigations.

Edict 22 - Concerning Extraordinary Methods of Imprisonment

Extraordinary means may be taken in the case of criminals of an extremely dangerous nature. The Civic Guard may, at the option of the commanding officers, enact such defensive measures as:

1. Chemical or magical sedation

2. Containment in cells with magically-electrified bars

3. Physical restraint with ropes, chains, or shackles

4. Containment in temporal stasis fields - This is only used in the case of criminals awaiting trial. While in the state of stasis, the subject remains frozen in a moment of time. Years of confinement may seem to take no longer than the blink of an eye. For this reason, it is not a practical punishment for convicted criminals, as it takes away the punitive effect of incarceration.

5. Use of Mage Collars and Psi Dampeners - Both of these devices are very similar in form and function, in that they prevent prisoners from using magic or psionic abilities. Both take the form of reinforced metal collars, with a number of thin triangular blades resting vertically against the inside of collar. The Mage Collar is made from the same strange alloy and imbued with the same enchantments as the Guard's null-magic shackles, and like the shackles, it prevents the prisoner from using magic, and also prevents anyone else from using magic upon the prisoner. The Psi Dampener is a metal collar set with pieces of a crystalline substance mined in Ruthmarna which has the effect of shielding the mind from psionic powers, as well as preventing the wearer from using any psionic abilities. Both collars have three separate locks which must all be unlocked to remove the collar. Attempts to tamper with the collar will activate magically-implanted defenses: the blades on the inside of the collar will fold out into a horizontal position, cutting into the neck of the wearer. At the same time, the collar will begin to magically constrict. If tampering attempts are not ceased very quickly, the collar may very well decapitate its wearer.

6. Use of geas enchantments on individuals sentenced to labor to prevent them from escaping during their period of labor.

7. The Guard may use whatever means they deem necessary to hold suspected criminals until their time of trial, or to incarcerate convicted criminals so long as the methods do not amount to torture. The Guard is free to devise new security measures for the keeping of prisoners as they see fit.

Edict 23 - Concerning Investigation of Crimes, and the Interrogation of Suspects

1. After arresting a being suspected of a crime, the Civic Guard has full authority to search the home and property of the suspect for evidence. The Civic Guard may only seize items that have a direct connection to the investigation at hand. If evidence of other criminal activity beyond that of which the suspect is already accused is discovered, it may be seized as well.

2. The Civic Guard may use magic, psionics, or similar means to aid in investigations and interrogations as long as any powers used on the suspect do not cause any permanent damage to the suspect's mind.

3. Torture is forbidden as a method of interrogation or punishment, except in cases of High Treason. If torture is used to extract a confession in cases of High Treason, the confession is not immediately admissible evidence. The suspect must be questioned again 48 hours later while not under torture or threat of torture. If the suspect repeats the confession, it is considered valid. If the suspect does not repeat the confession, it is considered invalid. No suspect can be subjected to torture more than once every thirty days.

4. The Guard may not attempt to extract confessions by withholding food or water from the suspect. All suspects must receive sufficient food and drink to sustain them until the time of their trial. Injured or ill suspects must receive medical attention sufficient to sustain them until the time of their trial.

Edict 25 - The Bounty Hunters of Transdariania

1. All Bounty Hunters operating within the boundaries of the Duchy must be licensed by the Civic Guard. Licenses may only be issued by the Captain of the Guard, or by an Arms-Commander or Spell-Commander.

2. Bounty Hunters are only allowed to pursue bounties on criminals for whom an official arrest warrant has been issued. Such lists are published weekly, and are obtainable at the Guardhouse and the Chancellery. Licensed Bounty Hunters are not to take foreign or private bounties for any reason.

3. Bounty hunters crossing into Transdariania after bounties posted in other nations, if caught, are subject to several harsh charges if they do not contact the proper authorities upon arrival upon Transdarianian soil. Any foreign bounty hunter must present himself or herself to the Captain or the Civic Guard, and provide the Guard with all relevant official documentation about the hunter's mission in Transdariania. The Captain of the Guard has the final discretion to permit or refuse the request. Illegal Bounty hunters are definitely subject to prosecution for Kidnapping and Obstruction of Justice. Charges for Impersonation of a Government Official, Forgery of a Government Document, and Disobedience or Disrespect of any Duchy official may also be applied.

4. A bounty hunter must produce the proper papers, and just for the sake of being thorough, they will have a nearly impossible to forge silver seal of the guard upon it. It will state that the person is a bounty hunter licensed by the realm.

5. All Bounty Hunters are subject to all the laws of the Duchy, save those which directly apply to apprehending and subduing wanted criminals. Damages caused in the process of catching criminals are the responsibility of the Bounty Hunter to pay.

6. Bounty Hunters will defer to Civic Guards, Magistrates, the Lord Chancellor, and the Lord Protector if a conflict of interests arises. Bounty Hunters may be called upon at any time to assist members of the Civic Guard in apprehending or subduing criminals.

7. Anyone providing information that leads to the arrest and conviction of a bountied criminal will receive a reward of fifty percent of the bounty for arresting the fugitive.

8. Renumeration on officially posted bounties is three (3) times the amount of accumulated fines accrued by the criminal they're posted for.

9. Bounty Hunters will be monitored and checked up upon by the Civic Guard annually. The Captain of the Guard may suspend or revoke any Bounty Hunting license at any time and for any reason.

Edict 30 - The Transdarianian Port Authority

1. Shall be under the authority of the Lord Admiral.

2. It is the duty of the Port Authority to stop and inspect any ships attempting to enter any Transdarianian port or harbor.

3. The Port Authority is to examine any documentation carried aboard the ship, and may question the ship's captain or any crew member about the vessel's place of origin, cargo, and other such relevant subjects before deciding whether or not to allow the ship to dock.

4. The Port Authority has the authority to search any and all vessels in Transdarianian ports suspected of smuggling. The Port Authority is responsible for assessing the value of all imported cargoes and collecting the appropriate import duties.

5. The Port Authority has the authority to refuse any vessel the right to dock in an Transdarianian port, or to expel ships connected to criminal activity. Those refusing to submit to boarding and examination of papers by the Authority will be subject to expulsion from the harbor, and possibly destruction by any present harbor defenses or vessels of the Navy of Transdariania.

6. The Port Authority is responsible for carrying out investigations of ships suspected of piracy and/or smuggling. The Port Authority may request the help of the Civic Guard in such investigations if necessary. The findings of such investigations are to be turned over to the courts upon conclusion.

7. The Port Authority is responsible for auctioning off captured pirate ships and confiscated smuggled goods to raise revenue for the Duchy.

Edict 96 - The Provincial Guard

The counterpart to the Civic Guard, the Provincial Guard is responsible for border incursion interdiction and bandit suppression for the protection of the lives and property of the citizens of Transdariania. Often the only arm of law enforcement in the more remote regions of the Duchy, the Provincial Guard has the authority use whatever measures they deem necessary to efficiently deal with bandits, raiders, and smugglers. Like the Civic Guard, the Provincial Guard are not above the laws they uphold.

Edict 109 - Sanctioned Privateers

1. To supplement the Navy of Transdariania, the Sithire and Lord Admiral may issue Letters of Marque and Reprisal to officially sanction privateers whenever the need arises. The Letters of Marque authorize privateer vessels to prey on pirates in peacetime, and the enemies of Transdariania in wartime.

2. Vessels captured by privateers are to be brought back to the nearest Transdarianian port, and their crews delivered over to Duchy officials for trial. If the Port Authority determines that the captured vessel does indeed belong to an enemy nation or pirates, the ship and all it contains become the property of the privateer crew, less 25% of the assessed value of the prize, which will go to the Treasury.

3. If the captured vessel is cleared of charges of hostile action toward Transdarianian shipping, the Privateer ship is responsible for paying restitution for the inconvenience of the capture and trial, as well as any damages caused in the capture.

4. Privateers found abusing the authority granted by the Letters of Marque will be tried for piracy.

Edict 127 - Privileges and Duties of the Nobility

1. Recognizing that the agents of the Duchy cannot be in every corner of the Kingdom simultaneously, the Duchy recognizes the ancient prerogative of the nobility to maintain order on their estates. Therefore, to this end, they are granted the following powers within the boundaries of their own estates:

  • A. The right to hold vorfonek (lordly) courts to administer justice on their lands. All decisions rendered in vorfonek courts are subject to appeal in Chancellery courts.
  • B. The right to maintain a retinue of private guards to keep the peace on their lands. This body of guards is not to exceed a total of two hundred individuals, except by direct Sithire Writ. These Guards are still subject to the laws of the Duchy in all ways, and they will be held accountable for their actions at all times. The Duchy reserves the right to prosecute a vorfon for the conduct of his or her guards, especially if there is reason to believe that he or she may have condoned, encouraged, or ordered criminal behavior.

2. Vorfonel (land owning nobles) have the responsibility for collecting the amount assessed to their estates each year by Tax Assayers. They are to deliver this prescribed amount to the proper authorities at the customary time of year, for transport and deposit into the Treasury.

3. Vorfonel have full control over any hunting, fishing, or logging on their estates, and may regulate access to the same however they see fit, including charging fees for their usage.

4. Vorfonel have the right to own, display, and use personal or family crests and coats of arms on their property, servants, and official documents.

Edict 153 - Citizenship

1. All persons residing within Transdariania on a permanent basis must have citizenship.

2. Citizenship is obtained by:

  • A. Being granted citizenship by the Duchy
  • B. Serving in Arangoth's armed forces or guard
  • C. Being born within Transdariania's borders
  • D. Being born of parents who are citizens

3. Citizens of Transdariania are required to abide by the laws of Transdariania and the orders of officials of the Sithire.

4. Citizens of the Duchy must render aid to the Duchy in any way requested by either the Sithire or their servants.

5. Citizens born within the Duchy are considered adults under the law once they have gone through the ancient native custom of the Brakerrat in the Sun's Dusk (November) of the citizen's sixteenth year of life. Naturalized citizens born outside of Transdariania are considered adults at an equivalent age. Citizens recognized as adults may marry and own property, and are subject to taxation by the Duchy.

6. Any one residing within the Duchy who is not a Citizen of the Duchy is a Subject of the Duchy.

7. Subjects of the Duchy who do not have Citizenship must pay a Tax as levied by the Treasury.

Edict 154 - Obligations of Citizenship

1. All male citizens are eligible to be conscripted into the Army of Transdariania or Navy of Transdariania in time of war if called upon to do so by the Sithire, from the point two years after having undergone the Brakerrat, until the point twenty-five years after the Brakerrat (i.e., between the ages of eighteen and forty-three).

2. All female citizens between the same ages may voluntarily join the military in times of war.

3. Except for children, the elderly, and the destitute, all citizens are required to pay taxes as levied by the Duchy.

Edict 155 - Rights of Citizenship

1. Citizens convicted of a crime have the right to due process as indicated by sub-section five (5) of Edict 6.

2. Citizens can not be held in custody by any Duchy official for more than 48 hours without being formally charged with a crime.

3. Citizens must be tried within one month of their arrest.

4. Citizens have the right to be informed of the reasons for arrest, to be made aware of all charges against them, and to be made aware of the evidence against them before their trial.

5. Citizens have the right to acquire the services of a legal counsel for advice, or to plead the case in their defense at their trial. The Duchy is under no obligation to furnish or pay for such legal counsel, however.

6. The property of citizens is protected from arbitrary seizure by the Duchy or any officer thereof.

7. The homes and property of a citizen may not be searched by any Duchy official without demonstrable reason for suspicion of a specific crime. Citizens have a right to be informed of these suspicions at the time of the search.

8. Citizens accused of a crime in a foreign land have the right to contact any emissary or ambassador of the Duchy in the region to ask for the intercession of the Duchy.

9. All citizens are equal in the eyes of the law, from the lowest members of the peasantry, to the highest of nobility. The testimony of a peasant in a court of law carries the same weight as the testimony of a noble. The rights of citizenship apply equally to all sentient beings, regardless of race, religion, sex, or social status.

10. Citizens may live anywhere within the boundaries of the Duchy without restriction, and may move from one place to another at any time for any reason, so long as they fulfill their obligations to the Duchy.

11. Only citizens may hold Duchy offices, or serve as representatives of the Duchy.

12. Citizens afflicted by natural disasters have a right to expect such relief and aid as the Duchy can provide.

13. Citizens are protected from torture in all instances except cases of High Treason.

14. Citizens are free to follow any religion they so desire, or none at all. Religion or Religious practices cannot be used as an excuse for criminal activities (i.e., human sacrifice is still considered murder, etc).

Edict 156 - Methods of Conferring Citizenship

1. All members of the Civic Guard, the Provincial Guard, and the Navy of Transdariania must be citizens of the Duchy. Subjects of the Duchy that have joined any of these organizations must be naturalized as citizens before commencing active service to the Duchy.

2. Therefore, at the completion of the training phase for new recruits, the Commanding Officer of the Civic Guard, the Provincial Guard, or the Navy of Transdariania overseeing the training must administer the Oath of Loyalty to all recruits not already possessing citizenship. The Commanding Officer may refuse to administer the oath to those whose loyalty is suspect. Any subject refusing to take the oath to become a citizen of the Duchy will be dismissed immediately.

3. Civilian subjects wishing to obtain citizenship must travel to the nearest provincial capitol, or to the Capitol of the Duchy to apply at an office of the Chancellery. The prospective citizen must bring no fewer than two witnesses to affirm his or her good character and desire to become a loyal citizen of the Duchy. At least one witness must be a citizen in good standing.

4. The officers of the Chancellery are to interview the candidate for citizenship and the witnesses, asking any questions they find relevant to determining whether the candidate should be granted citizenship. The Chancellery is permitted to contact the Civic Guard or the prospective citizen's former place of residence in order to check for existing criminal records.

5. If the Chancellery determines that the candidate should be granted citizenship, the prospective citizen must take the Oath of Loyalty. The oath is to be administered by the Chancellery or any Duchy official that has been expressly granted the Authority to administer the oath.

6. After taking the oath, the new citizen is to be added to the Chancellery's list of citizens. The new citizen is bound by all obligations to the Duchy expected of citizens, and is entitled to all the rights of citizens.

7. At the behest of the Sithire, or the appointed officials thereof deigned the capacity, may grant citizenship to individuals they find deserving, without the recommendation of the Chancellery. Individuals thus enrolled in the ranks of the citizens of the Duchy must still take the Oath of Loyalty.

Edict 157 - The Oath of Loyalty

1. All subjects of the Duchy wishing to become citizens must take the Oath of Loyalty.

2. This Oath is a binding legal declaration. Breaking it, or speaking the words of the oath insincerely makes an individual liable to prosecution for Grand Perjury and Treason. The witnesses of a naturalized citizen that has been convicted of treason will be prosecuted for Grand Perjury.

3. The Oath of Loyalty reads as follows:

  • "I, (name of the prospective citizen), taking this solemn oath on this (the current date) day of (the current month) in the year (the current year), in the sight of the gods and the duly-appointed officers of the Duchy of Transdariania, declare my desire to become a citizen of the Sovereign Duchy of Transdariania.
  • "And so, I hereby renounce all former loyalties at this time, and swear my wholehearted allegiance to the Duchy of Transdariania. I fully understand and accept the obligations of citizenship, and will obey all the laws of the Duchy.
  • "From this moment forward, Transdariania will be my homeland: its rulers shall be my rulers, its citizens my brothers and sisters, its ways my ways, and its lands my home. I swear that I will not act in any way that threatens or endangers my Duchy, my Sithire, my fellow citizens, or the freedoms and privileges of my fellow citizens. I will not provide any sort of assistance or aid to the enemies of Transdariania, and will do everything in my power to aid in the preservation of the Duchy.
  • "Min di podaralix tin Transdariania ben menx sendelim. Min di serpix ai Gossaloth ul Transdariania, la ai Goxodeloth ul Transdariania, la ai gostnairoth ul Transdariania me menx sippanim. An gasuggix Transdariania ben menxpir, tarlun la sterun la glar!"

[Translation of the last paragraph: "I will live in Transdariania for my whole life. I will love the Sithire of Transdariania, the People of Transdariania, and the laws of Transdariania with my whole heart. May Transdariania live forever, just, free, and strong!")

Edict 166 - Concerning Opium

While it is not illegal to possess, use, or trade opium, there are restrictions on its production and importation within the borders of Transdariania.

1. Growing of opium poppies on Transdarianian soil is strictly prohibited. Any such crops discovered will be destroyed, and the grower will be fined an amount based on the amount of opium found growing. Special dispensation for the growing of opium poppies on Transdarianian soil may only be issued by the Sithire.

2. Importation of opium into Transdarianian territory, whether by land, sea, or air, is prohibited unless the importer has obtained an importation license from the Office of the Sithire. Unlicensed importers will have their cargo destroyed, and will be prosecuted for smuggling.

3. The Office of the Sithire reserves the right to revoke importation licenses, or to place quantitative restrictions on importation licenses at any time.

Edict 171 - Concerning Demons and the Undead

1. Demons, by the very definition of their kind, are malevolent creatures of darkness and evil whose presence within the Duchy presents a clear and unmistakable danger to the safety and well being of the citizens of the Duchy. As such, they are to be hunted down and destroyed without hesitation.

2. Existence in the state of undeath, while abhorrent to many, is not a crime in and of itself. However, any legal rights as a citizen or subject of the Duchy possessed by an undead being become null and void at the time of their death and passage into undeath. While it is acknowledged that not all undead creatures are malevolent or dangerous to the living, the great majority of such beings are. Many are vicious predators with powers far beyond that of ordinary citizens, and need to be dealt with as such.

  • A. Undead beings that stand accused of a crime do not have any guaranteed right to a trial, or any other inherent legal rights. The Civic Guard, Chancellery, or the Sithire may, strictly at their own pleasure, extend legal rights on a limited basis to undead beings with a history of benign behavior.
  • B. Undead beings for whom an arrest warrant has been issued need not be brought back for trial by the Civic Guard or Bounty Hunters. Conclusive proof of the destruction of said creature is sufficient to collect the bounty.
  • C. Those rare undead beings that have not only demonstrated a benign demeanor, but have a record of public service to the Duchy or officers thereof may be granted full citizenship by special order of the Sithire in reward for their services, such as service in the the Civic Guard, Provincial Guard or Navy of Transdariania.

3. Those that have taken it upon themselves to destroy demons and/or the undead shall not be unnecessarily hampered in their tasks by fear of prosecution. These individuals, commonly referred to as Slayers, may not be prosecuted for homicide for destroying a demonic or undead being. They may not be prosecuted for assault for attacking a demonic or undead being. They may not be prosecuted for burglary for breaking into the lair of a demonic or undead being for the purpose of destroying it. The only exception to this is outlined in part 2C of this edict. They are in all other ways subject to the laws of the Duchy.

Edict 173 - The City Council

1. The City Council is typically composed of guild masters, merchants, aldermen and other citizens of good standing in various fields, with vested interests in the city's growth and management.

2. The City Council is responsible for putting to vote resolutions that concern:

  • A. Overseeing the management and distribution of city tax funds for reinvesting in civil and architectural projects that improve the equity and enrichment of the city and its denizens.
  • B. Holding hearings from third parties concerning petitions of investment in various projects outlined above.
  • C. Passing minor ordinances in the city aimed to improve the equity and enrichment of the city and its denizens. These proposed ordinances are not to supercede nor conflict with laws already in place.

3. The minutes of City Council sessions and votes are not made public, and may only be requested through official channels by uninvolved parties. The Office of Lakrathron has the right to refuse requests for these minutes from non-government affiliated entities at their own discretion.

4. The contents of the council minutes, whereas current vote count, voting positions of fellow council members, and other such pertinent details, are not to be shared in a public venue until after the votes have been counted and the minutes on the session have been closed. Council members are expected to act professional and discretely in concerns with not sharing this information amongst person(s) affiliated with petitions that are being voted upon. Members are expected to speak to petitioners solely about what is being petitioned to get more information and context about their aforementioned petitions.

5. The Lakrathron of Drache holds the right to a casting vote in sessions that result in an equally divided vote count.

6. All edicts by the City Council may be vetoed by the Sithire or Lakrathron of Drache at their own discretion.

7. The Sithire has the right to strike down any veto put forth by the Lakrathron of Drache.

Edict 176 - The Margraves

1. Margraves are non-hereditary administrative and military titles of which only four exist in Transdariania, one for each cardinal direction. Due to the Bannermen system in place, Transdariania has no standing peacetime army. Therefore, to this end, the Margraves are granted the following powers within their cardinal territories.

  • A. The right to maintain semi-autonomous private militaries (and navies), whose numbers, organization and logistics shall not to be restrained by Edict 127 sub-section 1B.
  • B. Shall be charged with the protection of the duchy from foreign and domestic threats, serving as the shields and spears of the duchy against all manner of hostilities that threaten their borders and cardinal territories.
  • C. Shall answer directly to the Sithire in times of peace.
  • D. Shall have the authority to declare martial law in the case of disruption to and/or absence of civil or military command in their assigned cardinal territories during times of potential unrest.

During times of war, additional powers shall be granted to the Margraves as follows:

  • A. Shall fall under the purview of the Lord Protector during times of war, gathering and organizing lesser nobles from their cardinal territories under them to face threats to the duchy's safety and security.
  • B. Shall serve as the highest officer in the Civic Guard and Provincial Guard's chain of command in their cardinal territories, in service to and as an extension of the Lord Protector's authority.