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Country Information
Capital: Telemenena
Languages: Leturian, Common
Ethnic Groups: Leturian humans, Mingits, Other humans
Religion: The Great Rint
Government: Aristocracy
Current Ruler: King Boren II of House Durnyelibi

Leturia is bordered by Elvendeep, Griffon's Aerie, and Secca. Nomadic raiders founded the nation which originally stretched between the Ferluxebi and Elvendeep borders. They ousted and enslaved Mingits, Sopts, and Igmerinds whose kingdoms encompassed the area. Noble families who claimed direct lineage to the first raiders formed an aristocracy to rule Leturia. The country practiced slavery until the mid-200s BT, when slave revolts backed by Griffon’s Aerie toppled the ruling dynasty. It has a human majority population, with those considered ethnically Leturian as the highest percentage.


Founding of Leturia

Proto-Leturians were rint-riding nomadic humans from the southeastern border of Ferluxebi near the Lunit Mountains, who left their native land and swarmed the grassy plains controlled by the Mingit and Igmerind Empires. They conquered most of the region and reaped the benefits of the fertile soil. The Sopt Kingdom, with its capital where the River Secca meets the South Sea, took in many Mingits and Igmerinds. The Igmerinds managed to create a second kingdom, then took over the Sopt Kingdom. The Igmerind’s kingdom fell again because of the rint-riders, and they were ousted into Elvendeep. Mingits]] and Sopts found their way to Arangoth. Many from the conquered groups were taken as slaves by the nomads.

The new seaside nation was called Leturia, and it initially extended west to Ferluxebi, east to Elvendeep, and north to a dense forest at the base of the Lunit Mountains. A dictatorial monarchy was established by claiming direct lineage to the first nomads who conquered the area. Conflicts between the Leturians and Deepish elves were frequent due to the humans encroaching upon Elvendeep’s border and their treatment of Igmerinds, Mingits, and other enslaved races.

Griffons protected the higher altitudes of the Lunit Mountains, but gold veins were found within caves near the timberline. Much to the chagrin of the Leturian royalty who attempted to mine the area, the Griffons were territorial and fiercely strong warriors with magical abilities that made them difficult to defeat. Leturian scouts ventured too close to the grove of dryadic trees, and the Griffons declared war on the Leturians.

Griffons used their ability to shapeshift into humans to infiltrate cities and foment slave uprisings that destabilized the eastern half of Leturia, which they then took over. Griffon’s Aerie founded in 312BT to Leturia’s west.

The proceeding century was a period of strife within the country, with enemies on both sides. Another slavery uprising in 252BT led to the foundation of the city-state of Secca. A few years later another revolt supported by the Griffons abolished slavery. Leturian nobles who remained loyal to the executed ruler were exiled or executed. One noble family, the Durnyelibi, was the first to disavow the old ways when it became clear which side was losing. It’s said the patriarch of the house made a deal with the Aerie to ensure his family’s place in the country. A few other noble houses followed suit, but much of those who claimed lineage to the first raiders were eradicated.

Recent History

Leturia has regained some stability in recent years under the rule of the Durnyelibi family. Aside from the abolishment of slavery, the existing social hierarchy still exists with the remaining noble houses running the country.

The threat of orcs is a source of constant anxiety within the country after kingdoms to the north were conquered and the united orc clan nation of Zul Kiras was founded. It’s presented a new common enemy to form alliances against.

In the 300s AT, Leturia assisted the Aerie in retaking parts of the Keulenestra Forest from the orcs after Deepish elves left the area. There are still ongoing efforts to form a defense pact with Elvendeep, but Leturia’s past with the Deepish elves still stirs resentment.

The current ruler of Leturia is Boren II of House Durnyelibi. He ascended to the throne in 488 BT after his father, Boren I, died.

Geographical Features

Most of Leturia is covered by fertile grasslands that are used for agriculture and animal husbandry. Rints were brought with them and naturalized to the area, and the animals are used as beasts of burden, mounts, food, and other raw materials. Most of Leturia’s population centers are located in the grasslands, including the capital Telemenena on the River Thunder.

The forests of Leturia are the most recent acquisition after the area was retaken from the orcs. Some small villages exist among the ancient trees with their economies dedicated to logging.

Government and Politics

Leturia has an aristocracy with noble families that claim their ancestors were the first rint-riding raiders to besiege the grasslands. Only a few houses survived after a series of slavery revolts. Land is divided among dukes, counts and barons.

The Durnyelibi family has ruled Leturia since the 300s BT. Rumors that they are puppets of the Griffons are only spoken in private, but those who lost standing after the abolishment of slavery feel more resentment than devotion to the ruling family.


Due to the threat of a war with orcs, Leturia has a standing army stationed in their section of the Keulenestra Forest. They occasionally participate in exercises with the Griffons as part of a mutual defense agreement.

Dukes, counts, and barons each have a complement of bannermen the King can call upon should there be a need to mobilize against a sweeping orcish invasion.


The early raiders worshiped the Great Rint, or Cigel in their language. They claim a vision from Cigel led the group of nomads to plunder across the grasslands that originally made up Leturia until Griffon’s Aerie pushed the nation east. It’s still a common practice today, with altars to Cigel in most ethnically Leturian households. A yearly spring festival is held which includes a sacrifice of a rint calf as an offer to Cigel to ensure a bountiful harvest.

Society and Peoples

Society in Leturia is divided between nobility and commoners. The nobility rules the country and holds the majority of wealth, while the commoners make up the majority of the population and are expected to pay their taxes and fight for the lords when called upon. Most of the country are human races, with about 15% that are non-humans.

Noble Traits

Given the small number of noble houses, a lot of intermarrying has happened between families. Sometimes family trees cross too many branches, and a few strange traits have emerged only among pure-blooded nobles. One trait is a stubby vestigial tail that’s hairless and up to 6 inches long. It’s said to be proof of the divine mandate handed down by Cigel to their ancestors to claim their country. It’s now a trait that is often kept secret and hidden, since there’s an overlap between those with vestigial tails and those who belief they should reinstitute slavery and reclaim the land that was theirs in Griffon’s Aerie.

Another trait frequently presented among nobles is a prominent chin. It’s declared to be another example of their divine mandate to rule, as a strong chin is said to be a sign of leadership skills.

Commoners, however, know the reality about the intermarriages between noble families. Many laughs are had while drunk in taverns at the expense of the nobility.

Classes of Commoners

After the abolishment of slavery, non-Leturian humans became citizens and the commoner class expanded. Some Leturians still begrudge being considered equal to the former help and are nostalgic about the old days and stricter social norms; these are now fringe beliefs, however.

Commoners aren’t a singular class of people. There are different incomes levels such as low, middle, and high depending on family wealth and education level. Most commoners are low income such as manual laborers, maids, and bar staff. Middle class residents are mostly small business owners and artisans. High income commoners work in government as clerks or magistrates, in mercantile trades, or are physicians.


The most common language spoken in Leturia is Leturian. It’s a mix of languages from Ferluxebi, the vanquished Igmerinds, and Mingits. Common comes in as a close second, as it is considered the international language of trade and business.