

This is the basic character sheet for BDI. You are required to fill out a sheet for each character that you wish to play. This sheet is designed for use on our wiki, so please do not change the formatting of the infobox section. Delete the tutorial entries and fill out the sheet with your character’s information. Please include information for all fields, unless otherwise noted to be left blank. A blank sheet is included after the tutorial sheet for ease of copying and pasting.


You can link to other parts of the wiki by using [[these brackets]] to include links to your race, country of origin or other locations, and other characters. For more on MediaWiki markup, you can visit their knowledge base here.


Sheets should be submitted on the Discord server in #character-submissions as a Google Doc. If you are submitting a Civic Guard, Aerial Defense Corps, Port Authority, city Magistrate, or other sort of law enforcement governmental official, please declare at the time of submission in #character-submissions that you have read the Laws of Transdariania and the Criminal Code of Transdariania pages in their entirety.

A copy of the blank sheet can be found after the tutorial.

After a character is approved, and you are granted wiki access, you will be allowed to flesh out sections like backstory, personality or description of the character sheet. Additions or acquisition of skills should be reviewed by the staff before being added to the sheet after the initial approval process.

Character Sheet Tutorial

{{Infobox Sheet
| name = Your character’s known name
| picfile = A link to your character’s picture; once you gain access to the wiki, you will be allowed to upload a picture to the wiki.
| alttext = In case the picture does not load, include a short description.
| full_name = Your character’s full name.
| race = Your character’s race. If you are from “far away” or extraplanar, please include a short description for approval.
| gender = Your character’s gender.
| age = Your character’s age.
| date_of_birth = Your character’s date of birth, preferably by the Arangothian calendar.
| country_of_origin = Your character’s country of origin. If you are from “far away” or extraplanar, please include a short description of the country/world in your biography.
| arrival = How did your character get to Siveth, if they’re extraplanar? Please include the method of arrival, such as portal, or rift, etc. Leave this field blank if you are a native to Siveth.
| hair_color = Your character’s hair color.
| eye_color = Your character’s eye color.
| height = Your character’s height.
| weight = Your character’s weight.
| aliases = Your character’s nicknames or aliases.
| religion = Your character’s religion.
| creed = Your character’s creed, basic beliefs of living, behaving.
| occupation = Your character’s occupation.
| income = Your character’s income rate and general wealth status.
| marital_status = Your character’s marital status.
| player = Your OOC nickname.


Please include 2-3 paragraphs about your character’s background.



Please include 1-3 paragraphs about your character’s general personality and psych profile.


=Physical Description=

Please include 1-3 paragraphs of your character’s basic description.


=Abilities & Skills=

==Physical Attributes== Please include any pertinent information about special physical attributes your character might have, such as enhanced strength, dexterity, speed, constitution, etc. Other details could be horns, wings, a tail, taloned hands, weird eyes, etc.

==Mundane Skills==

* Please include the basic, non-magical skills that your character may have. This would include proficient use of non-magical weapons or tools, crafting abilities and other general skills that might be useful to the character’s occupation or day to day survival.
* These can be bulleted by the use of asterisks. (*)


==Magic Skills==

* Please include all magical skills that your character may have. This includes the enchantment of items or creation of magical items. Details about spells should include the range, duration and area of effect, as well as how much damage or healing they can output.
* These can be bulleted by the use of asterisks. (*)




* Please include any weapons that your character has in their possession.
* These can be bulleted by the use of asterisks. (*)


* Please include any armor that your character wears or has in their possession.
* If your character has multiple types of armor, the list can be bulleted by the use of asterisks. (*)


* Please include any tools of the trade that your character has in their possession.
* These can be bulleted by the use of asterisks. (*)


=Goals= * Optional: Include achievable goals or motivations for your character to be used as story or interaction hooks for GMs and players.

[[Category: Player Characters]]

Blank Character Sheet

{{Infobox Sheet
| name =
| picfile =
| alttext =
| full_name =
| race =
| gender =
| age =
| date_of_birth =
| country_of_origin =
| arrival =
| hair_color =
| eye_color =
| height =
| weight =
| aliases =
| religion =
| creed =
| occupation =
| income =
| marital_status =
| player =





=Physical Description=


=Abilities & Skills=

==Physical Attributes==

==Mundane Skills==



==Magic Skills==












[[Category: Player Characters]]